Sweet sixteen. Day 16 of Makers

Chris C
1 min readFeb 17, 2021

It seems spring is upon us and I can finally turn down the heating! You may or may not have heard of my battles with our noisy radiators that have a tendency to wake me up at 5:30 in the morning. In other news, by the end of the week we will have made an interesting ‘battle’ web app, and a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for our weekend challenge. In preparation for that, we have been learning about how the web works and the MVC (Model, View, Controller) architecture.

While we learn about all these new concepts and gems that we are using to load the app up on the web through a remote server, it seems for the past few two days we have been spending a lot of time debugging and getting the gems to work in the first place! We wondered if the bugs were intentional and they were in fact, a test of our debugging techniques — or just bad luck on our part? So far, we haven’t built anything from scratch yet but I anticipate we’ll probably start today in the afternoon pairing session. I was so exhausted yesterday I completely forgot about my daily blog. So here is the compensatory log to ensure I do have a record of my learning every day!

